I was craving for mac and cheese since last week so my bestie n me decided to dine at TGIF. Seriously superb and kenyang gila and murah compared to others in the menu.
Before she came, my mum said 'Eat salad. You're on a diet'. But I couldn't care less. I was craving like a sick kid craving for ice cream.
Unfortunately for me, they did not serve mac and cheese anymore. In the end, I ate salad instead. Cakap mak selalu betul.
I'm trying to lose weight. I have 10 kilos to shed. Anak gajah. Anak badak also can. Usually my morning is 9-10 am. But now my morning is 6.30 am. Since I can't afford gym and probably can't afford the public swimming pool in a week so jogging will do tho I'm not too keen about it.
It requires pure evil dicipline to wake up really early in the morning to jog and to avoid desserts and cheese. Its my weakest point.
For the record I used to jog at least 3 rounds but due to the lazyness and gemukness I've been gaining, its 2 rounds of
brisk walking and half jogging. WTF. Total humiliation.
But today I sucessfully avoided cheese and dessert. Clap! Clap!
Hoping for improvements of jogging rounds and eating habits.
Run! Fat Girl Run!