Saturday, October 24

house keys

The other day a little girl (well not that little, she's 15) sulked all the way in the car from her best friend's house to her home.

Remembering how mad her daddy got when she accidentally locked the whole family out of the house yesterday.

See, here's the thing about her. She's too anxious getting ready for the sleep over and left the house keys in her room. Ran down and asked her daddy to send her and without any warning she shut the door. It was locked. Then she realizes the keys are in her bed room.

It was 12 am. Everyone is sleepy. The door is locked. Daddy went moody when he found out. Thankfully uncle had a spare key. So they decided to drive for almost an hour to get the keys.

Since it was her fault, her daddy thought she would be worried and will stay. But unfortunately the only thing she is worried about is the sleep over.

Frustrated perhaps with his own daughter's reaction to the unfortunate event of getting locked out side the house at 12 am, he send her with a very bitter feeling. So this middle aged couple drove an hour or so to take their house keys. Thankful again for his wife's brother who had their spare key.

She on the other hand thought her daddy is giving her a hard time of enjoying this little time of freedom before she steps in form 4.

That brings us back to the story of why she sulked. Straight up to her room she walked thinking her daddy doesn't want her to have fun. Shut her bedroom door. Getting ready for a gathering I assume.

There in the living room, he asked his wife, "where's her baju kurung cotton? I want to iron it for her". Honestly, I think that was the sweetest thing a dad would do. He was mad at her but still love her to bits.

moral of the story : please bring extra house keys with you anywhere and family first, show that you love your parents too ;)


adeknurul said...

oh my.. when i baca the line..

"where's her baju kurung cotton? I want to iron it for her". Honestly, I think that was the sweetest thing a dad would do.

i shed a drop of tear. *wipe*

Adreen Nordin said...

aww... I pon terharu dengar my mum cerita. Sometimes we often forget how much our parents love us.

cik lanun

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I used to believe that we can live on clouds.