Friday, November 20

Good Bye

I wore black today.
As if its a funeral.
Its my last paper.
Its my last day as a student.
As much as excited I am to finish this ,
Deep down inside, its just sad to part with this comfort zone.
This is the day that I face the fact that I'm that little fish in the big blue sea
Not the little fish in the pond.

Goodbye 'the middle of no where',
Goodbye student life.
Goodbye all the interesting people

Happy Unofficially Graduation
Selamat Menanam Anggur.

Jump of freedom! , taken by ejat


iLLy said...

jangan lupe main farmville. boleh tanam anggur.


tun izyan dalila said...

congratulations (^-^) selamat menghadapi dunia sebenar~

cik lanun

My photo
I used to believe that we can live on clouds.