Thursday, December 18


This is just insane.
I have to develop a travel system during my internship.Everything is working fine till the ceo's secretary wanted to be in the system's loop workflow.
I was just about to learn new things so that this intern period would be worth 8 months. Then my supervisor had to pass the project to another intern and I had to figure things out with the travel system.
It wasn't easy as it sounds like. After one error lead to another error. Fix the codes and redundant things which made me literally sick and tired.
Untill today, I am still fixing the whole system.It has been a few weeks.Fuck. Those bloody end user kept on pressuring me. The dumbest part is .. when I test the system, they complain. Idiots. How am I suppose to know the system is perfect for usage if I don't test it.
Being a developer is much of a headache.But being a developer who is an Internship student, is cruel.

owh baby, its a cruel world.


adeknurul said...


Unknown said...

hey, what course are you taking ye?

- a fellow exschoolmate

cik lanun

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I used to believe that we can live on clouds.