Friday, December 12

tentang cerita sengal

Panic and sengal.

My cubicle table is missing something after I came back from lunch. Something BIG!
..... mana laptop ku pergi??!! ni mesti keje ariff. cis!
So i asked ariff , ' mana my laptop ha? ' and with his blur and aku innocent expression he said ' tak tahu. tak kan kene curi. Pak Pin kot '. We refer our boss as Pak Pin.

We checked through his glass office. Haaa... there it is. on his table! Panic again.. mampus kene membebel ngan orang tua tu. huhu...

It is my fault. I know. I should have locked my laptop before i disappear. He did warned us before (a very long time way before we moved to a new office) to lock our laptop all the time or else he'll rampas. Macam pengawas sekolah la...' Jangan bawak handphone pegi sekolah. Nanti kami akan rampas' hahaha.

The thing is,when we moved to this new office I lost my laptop lock and didn't bother to lock my laptop pon. hurm... tu la ignorant and degil lagi. padan muka.

Because I was being so sengal, ariff and me figured out just get another laptop lock in the store room and pretend that i left the key at home. Unfortunately the store room at my level was locked. We went upstairs to find a laptop lock. Cari cam gila.. dalam store la , kat work bench la. Last2 there was one in a box near the work bench. Lama kot cari. Takut je Pak Pin dah balik.

Then I sneaked in the office because I wouldn't want to bump in to him with the laptop lock in my hands. I waited kinda lama for Pak Pin to come back. At last I got my laptop back. Berlakon innocent, buat muka comel, and cakap sorry dalam tone suara perempuan melayu terakhir cut his membebel :P

Teka teki terjawab. bukan encik ariff yang bawak sorok tetapi encik ariffin.

p/s: We call him Pak Pin because his name is Ariffin and he does lecture his staff alot cam bapak orang.


c_lethal said...

saya innocent wooo: - ariff

Suri said...


cik lanun

My photo
I used to believe that we can live on clouds.