Tuesday, June 16

Frustrated or Rejected or Both

Go to a bookstore and get a good motivation self building book.
Get a cup of peppermint tea.
Sit at a cozy corner of that coffee shop.
Read that book.

Honestly, it cures frustration. Doesn't matter what the frustration is. I think it even works for rejection or when someone tells you that you are not good looking enough.

p/s: a warm hug works like a wave of a wand.


iLLy said...

someone tells you that you are not good looking enough?

org tu nutso.


tun izyan dalila said...

looks are only judge by "certain" human beings and not by Allah. The best appearance is not whats outside but inside.

Cheer up (^^,)/

Maria Elena Zarul said...

orang itu kurang ajar dan buta.

cik lanun

My photo
I used to believe that we can live on clouds.