Sunday, June 21

the tutu and the round tummy

There was once a little girl.
She wore a pink tutu
and had bangs for her bob hair.
You may think she's the cutest thing but...
when she entered a room with a huge mirror as a wall
All eyes stared at her.
The other little girls looked at her.
Soon whispered to each other.
The other parents looked at her
with an expression of disbelief.
"How can a FAT girl dance ballet?"
Probably this was what they thought.
You see, the other little girls are skinny as sticks!
Of course the teacher gave a warm welcome to her.
It was her first time.
She enjoyed it despite how round she was.
She may not play as a princess,
But she was a happy little pumpkin.
Until one day one of the girls came up
and told her that she was fat and she can't dance.
As you expect she got upset.
She told her mom she wanted to quit ballet
without any reason.
Since then she discovered a new word-Ugly.


Shira-chan said...

The ugly ones were those other girls who said that she couldn't dance.

Maria Elena Zarul said...

u dont have to look beautiful to know u are. its all about the heart. know ur a beautiful person inside, and it will show. peace.

cik lanun

My photo
I used to believe that we can live on clouds.