Sunday, May 30

Say No.

How many times have you've encountered when you say 'no' people just think its a yes maybe?
example situation:

Guy: Do you want an ice cream?
Girl: No.
Guy: I know you want one.
Girl: Seriously. No.
Guy: Come on, I know you very well. You want one.
Girl: Ok you are freaking me out. I seriously don't want an ice cream.
Guy: You're lying.
Girl: .... sigh.

See annoying kan if it keeps on arguing sampai esok pagi. Since when a 'no' is a malu-malu answer for 'yes'? Malu tapi mahu is bullshit. No means NO.

1 comment:

iLLy said...

true that reen. true that.

cik lanun

My photo
I used to believe that we can live on clouds.