Monday, September 8

Iylia and Futsal

Iylia and football can't be separated.

Her obsession with Raul. Just look at the back of her file or even her lappie screen saver. Its Raul!

Not surprised if she could play footie that well.

The girls teamed up, all 6 of us (Ina,me,Tasha,Noin,Iylia,Fara) for futsal. It was the beginning of futsal for girls. We played just before gol and gincu was released.

We didn't had a match between girls but we had it with the guys (Wazi, Mirul and others).

But Iylia was a really good striker. She's a natural.

Despite of how 'ganas' we played we'd always end up having our sweat pants torn here and there. Its always the knee.

And mesti main nak terjatuh tergolek2 or kene rembat kt mana2.

We'd play untill its time for 'sahur'.

Iylia and Tasha both had the same "Call Me"(printed on the butt) sweat pants. I don't really remember if they wore it at the same time. But it kept the guys 'whooing' everytime one of them wore that.

Futsal was also where we first met our bfs or ex-bfs.


Inana Douie said...

ahahah those call me pants yang all of us dah pakai at least once tu. heehee~

aaah foundation years.
if only i could turn back time~

Elena said...

I truly miss you guys!


Alas, time works too. (Not just our mouths and and brains and our hearts)

Love you!

Merissa K. said...

and me too. i mean,i miss those times jugak.

oh and reen. ive only noticed after reading what u wrote. yeahh. we all met the other half on the futsal court.

me and zul.
u and wan.
iylia and nadim.
ina and nadim.

oops. ahahaha. noin je yg tak jumpa sabri playing futsal. LOL.

Adreen Nordin said...

hahahhaha... iylia n nadim, ina n nadim. nadim adalah lelaki hebat. 2 perempuan dlm satu group die sapu.

cik lanun

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I used to believe that we can live on clouds.