Friday, October 10

Baju Kurung Cotton

I love!
Its so comfy and free~
Should make or buy more.
Owh I want those with cute cherries!

I was tagged by shira.

The Rules:
- Link to your tagger and post these rules in your blog.
- Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
- Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
- Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

7 things...

  • I don't like pink. But most of my things are pink. Don't even think about buying me something pink tho i love to tease someone by giving him pink stuff. ha ha

  • I am scared of heights (explains why I am not getting any taller), trapped in small room alone and gory movies but i like to draw sadistic drawings sometimes.

  • I'm attracted to tall, lanky, wavy/ curly haired, glasses wearing guys. ehem!

  • When I was 11 after my mengaji class (with my baju kurung and tudung) my mum always stop by at 7 eleven. Due to the interesting color wrapper I thought it was one of those
    colorful band-aid (i used to collect those a lot that time and put it on my knees) but it turned out to be condom. As a result, I got weird stares from the cashier and people around me.

  • When i feel less confident I'd hunch, always pretend that I'm checking my phone and try to avoid my reflection.

  • The weirdest thing I ate was the dirt in a flower pot (back in Leeds, mum put fresh flowers around the house) when i was one years old. sheesh! I might have thought that was chocolate. Not only dirt, screws as well.

  • I was so jealous of my baby sister because she got so many attention. She was 11 months old back then. I own a train set. You know, one of those trains battery operated. So I took the train with its wheel still moving and put it on her hair. It got stuck there. So she cried and mum had to untangled it. HA HA . That pays for being such an annoying brat. That was then. But now we're close as ever. Still love you yuni!
Ok I have to tag 7 people.

Malas. Anyone nak buat , sile la.


Merissa K. said...

ohmygod. did u really letak a train on yuni's head? oh well. it couldve been worse. ur mum couldve had to chop chunks of her hair off.

nasib baik tak.


Nurul Aain said...

so u still keep the condom?

cik lanun

My photo
I used to believe that we can live on clouds.