Thursday, October 16


Nak guling2 bawah comforter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The train was stuck due to the heavy rain yesterday. I was late for work.

Ok. Enough complains about the train.

My forms of talking to people.. ym, gtalk... dah gila.

I was online and then i was offline

Made me felt like i was in UTP where the internet sucks.

My tummy isn't feeling so good. It felt like there is this balloon that is about to pop any time.

The smell in this office won't get any better. No matter how many air freshener there is on this table or how often i spray, I still have the same smell on my shirt at the end of the day.

Cik Aries, i can't wait to escape the city and go road trippin' tomorrow. (padahal utp je.)

1 comment:

Merissa K. said...

and i cant wait for u to be here as well!!

cik lanun

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I used to believe that we can live on clouds.